一群紧密而固执的消防队员被领导层的突然变动所震惊。在一次干预行动中出现致命错误后,他们受到审查,并不得不为他们心爱的消防站“Post Oosteroever”的生存而斗争。
在印尼爪哇岛的郊区,荒凉之地伫立着一间从荷兰殖民时期就存在的古老旅店。没人知道它到底存在多久,也没人知晓里面发生过什么。神秘而美艳的女主人玛拉蒂(Alexandra T. Gottardo 饰)独自经营,各色人等从四面八方云集于此,他们怀着不同的目的,但不论如何,却很难有人再走出旅店。这一天,面带忧郁的女子玛丽安走进旅店,她试图查清父亲的失踪之谜。虽然玛拉蒂矢口否认,但玛丽安根本不相信,她坚信眼前这个过于美颜的女人隐藏着不可告人的秘密。万般无奈之下,玛丽安暂时在酒店落脚,可就当夜幕降临之时。恐怖的事情发生了。
Tumi returns for another Christmas family holiday and against her better judgment, agrees to take Gogo Twala out for some fun.
Prodigal daughter Tumi goes home for the holidays and manages to ruin her sister's wedding plans. Now she must make things right before it's too late.
The documentary follows the investigation of Sophie Toscan Du Plantier, a French film and TV producer who was killed while at her isolated holiday cottage in West Cork, Ireland, in 1996.